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It may seem obvious but it definitely needs to be said. When booking a holiday rental, guests are not just looking for a place to sleep, they want an experience!

Whether they’re looking for a taste of luxury, a change of scenery to escape their everyday life, feeling homy while enjoying a well-deserved vacation, or all of it at the same time… It is your interior design that will make the difference!


The first impression

You already know how important first impressions can be in everyday life and social interactions. Well, the same goes for your holiday rental.

When your future potential guests are looking for the perfect place to spend their holidays, scrolling around some photos online, the look of your property, as much as the quality of your photos will play a major role in their decision-making process and you need to have that little extra that will make your property stand out.

Once it gets chosen by future guests, your property will have to pass the same test again at the first “non-virtual” encounter. The way your guests feel when they enter your property for the first time can be decisive for the rest of their stay. If your property looks good, your guests will feel good! And that’s all that matters, isn’t it?


Your interior design is the reflection of yourself

As important as your guests… YOU will feel good too! There are only a few things as annoying as feeling embarrassed and insecure, even when it comes to the “product” you’re selling. With an interior design that lives up to your guests’ expectations, you will feel confident and, most importantly, proud of what you have to offer.

A good interior design does not only involve the general style of your property, but also its functionality. How your guests will use and live in the space will depend on the attention and importance you gave to your interior design. And it will have a major influence on the overall impression your guests will have about your place at the end of their stay. There starts the virtuous circle!

The better your guests feel, the better their feedback, the better you will feel too.


It helps your business thrive

Needless to say, a business thriving is a business that understands the needs and expectations of their customers and makes them a priority. In hospitality, welcoming guests in a space they feel has been designed for them and is so well thought-out they couldn’t have asked for more, is the way to go without question.

Also… your guests talk! Whether it’s privately to their friends and family or publicly with online reviews, your guests are your best ambassadors. So make sure your place is to be remembered!

A good business is a good product and when you are in the hospitality industry, you should never forget that interior design is a major part of it.